3/10/2018 2018 Design In Tech Report What's a Computational Designer? Understands Thinks Critically About Computation Technology Has facility with representational Practices being a humanist codes and maybe programming codes. technologist who asks questions about Knows what is easy and possible, hard what's being made, who's making it, At NIKE Digital, we embrace open source, and possible, difficult and impossible and why. contributing to the community by for now. building – and sharing – digital solutions that work on a global scale. We invest in cutting-edge technologies and work with a network of open source libraries and tools, like React.js, Node.js and GraphQL. Uses All Three Kinds of Actively Learning AI And These investments and tools help us advance web and native UI development, Designs The New evolve our data science and eCommerce capabilities, refine our DevOps and retool our services infrastructure. Taps into the rich history of classical Considers intersectionality as a source —2017 Nike job board archived listing design (form and content) while of creativity and a primary driver of leading and teaming inclusively via change. Embraces new paradigms and design thinking within their org, or learns them deeply. Embraces what as across orgs, for profit or not-for-profit. French poet Guillaume Apollinaire in the Bauhaus era wrote, "New (hu)man must have the courage to be new." Source: Nike jobs.nike.com via Wayback Machine 2018 Design In Tech Report | Technology × Business × Design 11 / 90 http://jmmbp001.local:5757/?ckcachecontrol=1520689902#16 11/90