3/10/2018 2018 Design In Tech Report Does computational design play a material role in a company? As reported in Leah Buley's widely reviewed 2016 State of UX essay: When asked, "What measurable outcomes resulting from By contrast, one low-impact respondent answered, "We user experience are you most proud of?" high-impact are moving so fast there has been no time or resources respondents gave responses like: "Multimillion dollar for testing/outcomes – even for small usability increases in conversion and customer lifetime value." improvements." Leah Buley Co. State of UX 2016 Survey Ttho ewh folatlo wexinteg nmt heasas uyrour es?organization found UX to be a driver of Low impact Source: @leahbuley / Leah Buley Co. The State of UX in 2016 2018 Design In Tech Report | Technology × Business × Design 12 / 90 http://jmmbp001.local:5757/?ckcachecontrol=1520689902#16 12/90