Design Is Being “The reason I’m here is to recruit all of you. We can start coming up Put to Use In The with new platforms across disciplines and across skill sets to solve some of the big problems we’re facing today.” — President Barack Obama / SXSW 2016 PUBLIC 18F, the U.S Federal Govt’s Digital Consultancy £1.7billion Launched draft of U.S. Web Design Standards - SECTOR open source UI components and visual style guides to create consistent and beautiful UX across government websites. Savings generated by one year of work by the UK’s GDS at a cost of £58 million as USDS, product teams embedded in the Govt reported in 2015. That’s an impressive ROI of 27.3X. Adding in the two years prior, GDS Actively recruiting product designers and has achieved a savings of £3.56 billion for engineers to transform the way government the UK government by bringing the science works. Teams tackle big problems in and art of digital service design to the healthcare, student loans, veteran affairs, etc. government and citizens. The groundbreaking work of the UK’s GDS team and the rescue of have spurred a movement to build a 21st century digital government in the U.S. This has led to similar efforts in Australia and New Zealand. Source // @kpcb #DesignInTech @justinsayarath @johnmaeda @benterrett @gdsteam @usds @latimes @18f united-states-digital-service 35
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