Points and Leveling. Spontaneous Rewards. Social Comparison. However, in the Health-Tech 93% of users said they Users rack up points that 84% said they are likely to were likely to keep using can unlock the chance to recommend the app to Arena, Some Addiction Is Good. the app. win rewards (i.e. a giftcard friends and family. from Target). By Design. “In the U.S., 75% of adults don’t take medications as prescribed. The result is a $300 billion burden on the health care system. Mango Health’s app aims to change that.” —Ariel Schwartz @fastcompany “CEO’s first hire” Mango Health’s first hire was a designer. Mango Health uses gamification techniques to make the routine of taking your medication more fun and interesting, ultimately affecting standard engagement, adherence to drug regimens, and clinical outcomes over time. Source // @kpcb #DesignInTech @avivgilboa @mangohealth @michelleskimo @joberfest @FastCompany Lynne Chou fastcoexist.com/1681727/mango-healths-quest-to-turn-taking-your-pills-into-a-game/1 twitter.com/johnmaeda/status/589071088832749568 34
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