Designers Seek The Truth Through UNCONSCIOUS BIAS ROUNDUP BY STEPHANIE ENGLE AND CHEN YE Broadened Discourse EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER 2015 / 2016 Q353 “From the list below, what Q330-331 “For which of the following do you believe are the top three reasons, if any, has your trust in each drivers of change in business and institution decreased over the past year?” industry?” 1 Fails to contribute to the greater good 50% 1 Technology 70% 2 Lacks economic growth 39% 2 Business Growth Targets 66% 3 No public service 36% 3 Greed / Money 54% 4 Personal Ambition 35% #BUILDFORGOOD @KPCBFELLOWS Q328-329 “For which of the following 5 Improve People’s Lives 30% reasons, if any, has your trust in each 6 Make the World a Better Place 24% institution increased over the past year? In 2015, the KPCB Fellows Program launched #BuildforGood challenges are posed at collegiate hackathons across the 1 Produce economic growth 59% country, the hope is to inspire and help 2 Contributes to the greater good 45% promote hacking/building things that make 3 Allows me to be a productive member of 40% an impact and that matter. society The younger generation tends to brings us back to the sense of hope that we all need for the future, but with a critical eye. And a willingness to do the hard work to make the world a better place by design. Source // @kpcb @EdelmanPR @soengle @siranachronist @uxdiogenes @nicksantos @kat__ely @designuxui @microsoftdesign @kpcbfellows did-that-break-accessibility-3bc804ae818d#.yxwmejg6r 37

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