3/10/2018 2018 Design In Tech Report The best way to scale design? Listen to what Bill used to say. If there's a simple, easy Bill Moggridge, cofounder of IDEO design principle that and director of the Smithsonian’s CooperHewitt National Design binds everything Museum, died September 8th, 2012, together, it's probably following a battle with cancer. An outspoken advocate for the value of about starting with the design in everyday life, Bill pioneered interaction design and people. integrated human factors into the design of computer software and —Bill Moggridge IDEO hardware. 1943-2012 Source: @ideo @cooperhewitt 2018 Design In Tech Report | Scaling Design 45 / 90 http://jmmbp001.local:5757/?ckcachecontrol=1520689902#16 45/90