3/10/2018 2018 Design In Tech Report Computational Atoms × Bits × People has happened at scale Custom fabrication technology that leverages computation while using less tech, traditional Design: manufacturing ideas is becoming more accessible. Speech recognition has advanced to the point where the experiences provided by this technology are First Steps becoming just as important as how computer graphics technology brought GUIs to the screen. Augmented reality (and VR) experiments and ideas abound as the technology becomes more accessible via smartphones and inexpensive peripherals. The majority of Americans now own a cellphone and are rapidly upgrading to smartphones, but the US lags in 13th place in average mobile data used per person across countries. Speed is a key design attribute of a mobile experience with sessions averaging on the order of 30 seconds and over half of site visitors abandoning a site visit if takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Source: 2018 Design In Tech Report | Computational Design 47 / 90 http://jmmbp001.local:5757/?ckcachecontrol=1520689902#16 47/90