3/10/2018 2018 Design In Tech Report Erondu's Playbook has the Qs&As for designers amidst scaling The top 15 questions designers are asking today 1. How do you elevate the perception of design at a 8. When working with remote teams, how do you company? effectively collaborate with each other? 2. How do you show the value of design to justify 9. How do you know when a design is 'done'/right? hiring more designers? 10. What are commonly used design KPIs? 3. How do you establish more transparency for design 11. What are things to do to avoid burnout? / within a company? 12. When interviewing, what are some questions to ask 4. How do you know when it's time to leave a about a company's culture and design team? company? 13. Is going to college worth it? (college) 5. As a team grows, how do you maintain the quality 14. How should I structure my design portfolio to best and consistency of its design work? communicate my skillsets? 6. What’s the best way to present work during a design 15. Should I start my career at an agency, startup, or big critique? company? 7. How can a team keep track of past work and learnings as a living repository? Source: @jerondu @askplaybook 2018 Design In Tech Report | Scaling Design 41 / 90 http://jmmbp001.local:5757/?ckcachecontrol=1520689902#16 41/90