3/10/2018 2018 Design In Tech Report Design tools and systems are ch-ch-changing these days Integrated Responsive Project Flexible cloud built-in management annotation Version control Convert to Realtime Machine actual code collaboration intelligence Future design tools with further developments in AI will possibly ... 1. Construct models of our customers 6. Run experiments for us and reduce risks 2. Generate design directions on their own 7. Create many variations to test 3. Sort and prioritize competing constraints 8. Scan the entire experience for inconsistencies 4. Identify best potential ROI and more 9. Prevent re-invention of past solutions 5. Enable savings in time for designers 10. Have potential to remove apprentice-level jobs Source: Leah Buley: Thoughts on the Future of Design Tools + @johnmaeda's un-scientiļ¬c observations 2018 Design In Tech Report | Scaling Design 40 / 90 http://jmmbp001.local:5757/?ckcachecontrol=1520689902#16 40/90