Trend: Design Thinking STANFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS UC BERKLEY HASS Design Thinking Bootcamp: From Insights Design Thinking for Business Innovation Proliferating Into to Innovation Business Schools HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL UVA DARDEN i-Lab Design Thinking & Innovative Specialization in Design Thinking Problem Solving and Innovation 100% INSEAD MIT SLOAN Top business schools have student-led design Innovation by Design Programme Product Design and Development clubs, which are pushing the curriculum in b-schools to shift as well. “The fundamental profile of designers is beginning to shift as traditional markets begin to value design Designers Jessica Helfand and Michael Bierut YALE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT as a strategic lever.” join the faculty of Yale SOM / July 2016 Design and Management VIA KPCB VENTURED @kpcb @stanfordbiz @INSEAD @MITSloan @DardenMBA @HarvardHBS @BerkeleyHaas @yaleSOM @ Section 2: Design → De$ign 18