An Inclusive ELDERLY CARE Care service and platform allowing PERSPECTIVE for the elderly community to age gracefully and comfortably in their Enables Reimagining The Startup Ecosystem own homes led by CEO Seth Sternberg. Raised 20 million as of 2016 GENDERLESS STEM TOYS SKINCARE NEEDS Toolkit for electronic construction Shaving system for people with coarse that carries no gender biases, as or curly hair, with recent addition of an designed by MIT-trained CEO electric trimmer with an elegant Ayah Bdeir and her LittleBits team. design, led by CEO Tristan Walker and Raised 59 million as of 2016 Walker & Co Team. Raised 33 million as of 2016 GAY SOCIAL NETWORK The world’s largest gay social EGG FREEZING network allowing for a community First company to provide access to that is often “invisible” to connect high quality fertility doctors, fertility with each other. Top paid app in health digital platform and plans for social networking category led by elective egg freezing, IVF treatment Joel Simkhai. and tests led by CEO Gina Bartasi. Kunlun bought 60% stake for Raised 34 million as of 2016 $93M in 2016 Underserved markets aren’t necessarily small markets. Some of the best designers in the world are taking on these challenges. Trust *can* exist in a world where money is made and social transformation happens at the same time. It is possible. Source // @kpcb #DesignInTech @cbinsights @bevel @tristanwalker @littleBits @ayahbdier@grindr @progyny @justinsayarath @johnmaeda 2016/02/09/the-one-video-every-silicon-valley-investor-should-watch/#.VsO7K04CFfQ.facebook 39

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