How Do Bigger Changes Happen With Design? By DESIGNING CULTURE. DESIGNING CULTURE DON’T **** UP THE CULTURE AIRBNB USES DESIGN TO GROUND ITS CULTURE Principles enable a company’s culture to understand how design can be used the most effectively, but most importantly, enable them to work from a common playbook. Brian Chesky’s memo to the Airbnb team says it all … The Airbnb logo was less used as a traditional corporate symbol, and more as a narrative element to bind their hosts together as a community. They later designed an event series called Airbnb Open that spread their values at scale to their hosts. Space Design as Culture Design • Conference rooms modeled after IBM SAP Airbnb listings Design thinking at Longtime leader in • Community photo gallery with photos of hosts and guests ambitious scale design thinking Architect: @GenslerOnCities Products are products of a company’s culture, and not just some magical switch where “design” gets turned on inside a company. It’s a conscious effort on behalf of the CEO and their executive team to make design matter. Source // @kpcb #DesignInTech @justinsayarath @philgilbertsr @daviddatnguyen building-a-design-team-from-scratch-13c2b9a9d58#.aci9b6398 23

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