GOOGLE’S PRODUCTS Are Perceived as Improving the Most in Design “Which of these company’s products are in “Which of these company’s products have significant need of improvement in design?” seen a marked, recent improvement in design?” 9% 64% ? 33% 40% 17% 33% How Apple Is Giving Design A 34% 20% Bad Name Top two reasons cited as the best For years, Apple followed user- 28% 21% ways to improve the design of a centered design principles. Then company’s products: something went wrong. Don Norman And Bruce Tognazzini 24% 22% 1. Have a CEO who makes product design a priority. 26% 19% 2. Have an executive team that makes product design a priority. 52% 8% In two separate studies we ran, Apple is always the outlier with regards to strong perception around product design quality. However, when asked which companies are improving in design (vs needs improvement), Google shows up. Source // @kpcb #DesignInTech @jnd1er @asktog @fastcompany @johnmaeda Data // Percentage of 545 responses to 28

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