3/10/2018 2018 Design In Tech Report Inclusive design takes center stage after many decades Inclusive design issues in tech are recognized and empathy (plus action) is rising. Early designs for people with After World Wars I and II, the Ed Roberts, Berkeley, Pre-1950s disabilities, from typewriters to increase in wounded veterans 1950s-60s Independent Living Movement 1970s-80s telephones to curb cuts, become drives new demand for raises visibility of the rights of mass-market solutions that accessibility accomodations, led people with disabilities, leading benefit everyone with the rise of by programs like University of to important societal change and industrialization. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's making Telegraph Avenue one of early work on the American the first fully wheelchair- Standards Assocation A117.1 to accessible streets in the United create architectural accessibility States. standards in 1961. Barbara Allen, a Washington- Patricia Moore goes undercover "The Seven Principles of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Jutta Treviranus founds the Susan Kare designs the based interior designer, as an elderly woman to conduct Universal Design" are published Act of 1973 is passed, governing Inclusive Design Research iconographics for the Apple publishes one of the first design research in hundreds of by Ron Mace of North Carolina accessibility of information Centre, offering one of the first Macintosh and Virginia Howlett illustrated guides to accessibility cities over the course of three State University. technology (IT) in the Federal university degrees in inclusive brings design to Microsoft criteria, an important early years, laying the groundwork for government. After the rise of the design. Windows. Both open the door to example of how to turn legal inclusive design practices. internet, these standards will making nerd-centric computing criteria into design standards. become some of the most experience into ones that can important criteria for regulating possibly appeal to non-computer accessibility in digital people. technology. The Americans with Disabilities DesignAge action research European Institute for Design Web Accessibility Initiative WAI The first version of Web Content 1990s Act is passed. This civil rights programme of the Royal College and Disability (EIDD) is created starts after a World Wide Web Accessibility Guidelines WCAG legislation prohibits of Art begins and evolves into the with the mission statement, Consortium (W3C) presentation are published by the World Wide discrimination and guarantees Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design "Enhancing the quality of life at the White House. Read Web Consortium, specifying key that people with disabilities have to undertake design research and through Design for All." and Accessibility is Good Business by criteria for accessible web and the same opportunities as projects with industry that will "Good design enables, bad the W3C. digital technology design. everyone else to participate in contribute to improving people's design disables." the mainstream of American life. lives. Source: 2018 Design In Tech Report | Inclusive Design 82 / 90 http://jmmbp001.local:5757/?ckcachecontrol=1520689902#16 82/90