3/10/2018 2018 Design In Tech Report Is the culture of your company set up for design to succeed? Which kind of design-oriented company are you? How is your design function How do you manage the Where do your design teams Does design fit into your When do you undertake user organized? physical/digital divide? work? development process? research? A. We have a single central design department A. We have discrete physical and digital design A. Design works out of a central office A. We have a clear design phase A. Early qualitative research B. We have multiple design teams teams B. Our designers sit in all of our offices B. Design is involved in several stages of the B. Early qualitative and quantitative research C. Design is a distributed expertise, not a B. Our different design functions sit and C. We have cross-functional product/service development process C. Qualitative and quantitative research department operate together studios C. Design is involved throughout life cycle throughout C. We train our teams so they can integrate (cradle to grave) more effectively What do you do with research When do you prototype? Why do you prototype? Who leads design in your How do you make design findings? company? decisions? A. We have a prototyping phase A. To check production/launch feasibility only A. We report what the customers tell us B. We may have more than one prototyping B. To fail "fast" -- kill under-performing ideas A. A head of department, e.g. marketing A. Based on leader opinions B. We assess what the customers want phase C. To "refine fast" -- build on solutions and B. A chief design officer B. Using semi-subjective metrics C. We interpret what the customer actually C. We iterate end-to-end and prototype as address our failings C. A chief design officer who is a peer to other C. Objectively (using design metrics) needs needed board members How do you track design How do you incentivize good How brave is your organization performance? design? when it comes to making design Take the McKosmo decisions? A. We do not track design performance A. We have no incentives tied to customers or Quiz to find out your B. We review customer feedback post-launch design A. We suffer from bloated and incremental C. We track pre- and post-launch as rigorously B. Design shares company-level performance product portfolio as we measure quality, cost, and delivery bonuses B. We have become better at killing type! It's easy. C. We track and reward customer satisfaction, incremental products during project even at board level development C. We strive to create bold new products to meet unmet needs, and accept that not all will Source: @hugosarrazin More than a feeling: Ten design practices to deliver business value 2018 Design In Tech Report | Scaling Design 31 / 90 http://jmmbp001.local:5757/?ckcachecontrol=1520689902#16 31/90

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