3/10/2018 2018 Design In Tech Report You're not getting any younger. You're getting B(older). Restricting its estimate to those aged 60 and up, market research firm Euromonitor predicts that by 2020, worldwide older-adult spending will reach $15 trillion—and that's still well before global aging will fully hit its stride. By 2030, the Boston Consulting Group estimates that the 55-plus population will have been responsible for 50 percent of the US consumer spending growth since 2008, 67 percent of that of Japan, and 86 percent for that of Germany. It's no exaggeration to say that the world's most advanced economies will soon revolve around the needs, wants, and whims of grandparents. —Joseph Coughlin Source: The Longetivity Economy 2018 Design In Tech Report | Technology × Business × Design 27 / 90 http://jmmbp001.local:5757/?ckcachecontrol=1520689902#16 27/90