3/10/2018 2018 Design In Tech Report A solution to inequality? Possibly, distributed or "remote" work. Bench, 100Starlings, 2600Hz, 33 Sticks, 3DprinterOS, 3nder, 3SMobile, 4 Ventos, 42Floors, 45royale, Acceleration Partners, Accella, Accounto Technology, Action Verb, Actionable.co, ActiveProspect, Actyx, AddStructure, AdEspresso, AgentFire, AgileBits, Aha!, AirTreks, Alaris Prime, AlchemyTec, Alegion, AltSchool, AmaZix, Ameego, Antavo, AppendTo, Araize, Arkency, Art & Logic, Articulate, Artisanal Code, Inc., AsmallOrange, Assemble, Assembled Brands, Attentiv, Aurity, Auth0, Automattic, Avaaz, 638 Axelerant, Azumio, BacklotCars, Balsamiq, Band Industries, Baremetrics, Barrel, Basecamp, Basho, Basho Technologies, Batchbook, BeBanjo, BetterDoctor, Beutler Ink, Big Universe, Big Wheel Brigade, BioTrust Nutrition, Bithive, Bitnami, Bitovi, Black Pixel, BloodHub, Blossom, Bluespark Labs, Bonfire, BookingSync, BrainCheck, BrandBastion, Brave-software, BriteCore, Buffer, Bugcrowd, Bugfender, BuySellAds, Cadasta, CafeMedia, Camplight, Canonical, Carbon Black, Cargobase, CarriersEdge, Cartstack, Casumo, Catalyze, Cesanta, ChartMogul, Chaser, Chef, Chess.com, Ciao Bambino!, CircleCI, Citrusbyte, Civic Actions, Clerky, Clevertech, Close.io, Cloudpeeps, Cloudstitch, Clustree, Codeable, Codebusters, CodeControl, CodePicnic, Codeship, Cohesive Networks, Coinbase, Collab. Drug Discovery, CollabNet, Collabora, Collage.com, Compose, CompuCorp, Conferize, Continu, ConvertKit LLC, Conveyal, Copass, Copyblogger (source), CoreData, Corgibytes, Countly, Covenant Eyes, Cozy Cloud, Crew, Crive, There are currently CROmetrics, Crossover, Crowd Valley, Crowdstrke, Cubspot, Cucumber, Cuddli, Curoverse, Cyanna Education, DataCite e.V., Datadog, Dataquest, DataStax, DealDash, Dealer Inspire, Deekit, Deeson, Demio, DesignLab, Dgraph, Diacode, Digital Ocean, Dimanex, Dito, Divio, Divshot, DNSimple, Docker, doctorSIM, DoInbound, Doist, DojoMadness, Domino Data Lab, doopoll, Dotsub, Doximity, DramaFever, DRONAMICS, DroneDeploy, Duck Duck Go, Eaternity, Edify, Edison Nation, Eet.nu, Eezy, ElasticSearch, ElevenYellow, EngageTech, Enjin, Envato, Erply, Estately, Etsy, EveryoneSocial, Exposure Ninja, Eyeo, Fastly, Fatura Simples, Findify, Fire Engine RED, Five Q, Fleep, Fleetio, companies with remote Flight Vector, Flockler, Flood IO, Flow, Focus Asia, Fog Creek Software, Folarium Technomedia, Follow Up Boss, Fonoma, Forest Admin, FormAssembly, Formstack, Fortumo, Forward Financing, Founder Centric, Foundersuite.com, Foundr Magazine, Four Kitchens, fournova, FoxAndSheep, Foxio, FRSH, Fuel Made, FullStack, Funding Gates, Funnely, Futurelytics, G2i, GatherContent, General Assembly, Genuitec, GetFileCloud, GetIncredibles, Ghost, Giant Swarm, GigaOM, GigSalad, Gigster, Gistia, Gitbook, GitHub, work opportunities GitLab, GitPrime, Gitter, GlueNetworks, GMB Fitness, Go Fish Digita, GOFAR, GoHiring, Goodway Group, GrabCAD, Gradle, GrantStreet, Grape.io, GrapheneDB, Grasswire, Graylog, Greenback Tax Services, Gridium, Groove, GuardTime, Hanno, Harvest, hashi Corp, Hasura, Haystack, Hazelcast, HE:labs, Health Leads\xe2\x80\x99, Healthfinch, Heap, Heetch, Help Scout, Helpjuice, Inc., Heroku, Herox, Hexbridge, Highland Solutions, Hippo Education, HireGamePros, Hireology, HiringThing, Hitlist, Holstee, Honeybadger, Hotjar, Hubstaff, Hudl, Hugo, Hugging Face, Human, Human Made, Iambnb, ICUC, iDoneThis, Igalia, iMedicare, Import2, Incsub, Indie Localizers, Influx, InfluxData, Inpsyde GmbH, Inspired HR, Instructure, Intellum, Interactive Intelligence, Intercom, Intridea/Mobomo, INTUO, InVision, IOpipe, iwantmyname, Jackson River, From the Remotive.io list of Jim's Mowing, Jitbit, Jolly Good Code, Kalypso LP, Kanopi Studios, Kantree, KBMax, Keen IO, Kellerkinder, KeyCDN, Khan Academy, Kiprosh, KissMetrics, Knack, Knock Homes, KnownFour, Koding, Konveen, Kuali, Later, LaterPay, Launch Potato, layer, Lazy Eight, Leadfeeder, LearnZillion, Let's Encrypt, Librato, Librato, Lightbend, Linaro, companies hiring remote workers. Lincoln Loop, LitCharts, Litmus, LiveMentor, Living Social, Localistico, loco2, log, Logikcull, Logmein, Loom, LoveToKnow, Loyal, Lullabot, Lumiserv, Lynx Technology Partners, Machinio, mailparser.io, Make Works, Manage Social, Mapbox, MariaDB, MarkIT.eu, MarsBased, Mattermost, Mavens, Mcbeard Media, MCF Technology Solutions, Mediacurrent, Medko, Meet Edgar, Member Up, MetaLab, Metaluxo IT Security, Metamaterial Technologies, Meteor, Midokura, Mightycast, Mixcloud, Mixmax, Mobile Jazz, Mobility Labs, Inc., Mobomo, Modern Tribe, Modus-create, Mokriya, Moltin, Moment, Moo.do, Moondo, Moraware, MotorLot, Moz, Mozilla, Much Better Adventures, MyOnlineSchool, mySociety, MySQL, myTips, NationBuilder, nClouds, Nearform, Netguru, Netsparker, Network Ninja, New Context, Next Big Sound, NIFTIT, Niteoweb, NodePing, NodeSource, NodeSWAT, NoRedInk, Novoda, Nugg, Numbrs, nVisium, O'Reilly Media, Octopus Deploy, Oh My George, OK GROW!, Olark, Olo, OnTheGoSystems, Onyo, Open Knowledge, OpenCraft, openredis, Optimal, Optimile NV, Origin Eight, Outbank, Overl.ai, owl power, Owsy, PageFreezer Software, Pagely, Paktor, ParcelBright, Parse.ly, Particular Software, Pasilobus, Inc, Patients Know Best, Paylocity, Paylock, Peak Games, Peerfit, Peergust, PeopleDoc, PeopleG2, Percona, PersistIQ, PhishMe, Pindrop, Pipedrive, Pivotal Labs, Pixel2HTML, Planet OS, Platform.sh, Plex, Postlight, Precision Nutrition, Pressable, Pressed.net, PreviousNext, Prezly, Product Hunt, Productive Power, Proemion, Protocol Labs, Puppet Labs, Purple Voice, Quantum Mob, Quartzy, Rackspace, railroad19, Railsformers, RainforestQA, RaRe Technologies, Reaction Commerce, Real HQ, Receiptful, ReCharge, Recruiterbox, Recurly, Red Hat, Redox, Reinteractive, Relayto, RepeaterStore, Replay Gaming, resin.io, retail-zipline, RetailNext, RightScale, rmotr.com, Roadtrippers, Rocana, sailteam.io, Salesforce, Sapien, Savvy Apps, ScheduleOnce, ScienceLogic, Scrapinghub, Screenly, Security Roots, Semaphore CI, Sencha Inc, SenorCoders, Server Density, ServiceNow, ShakaCode, Sherpany AG, Shopify, Shortfundly, Simbiose Ventures, Simple, Simplecast, SiteGround, SketchTogether.com, Skillshare, Skore, Skycrapers, SmileDirectClub, SOASTA, Sococo, SoftwareMill, Songspace, Sourcefabric, SparkLabs, Spatial Key, Speedchecker, Spotify, Spreaker, Stack Exchange, Stack Overflow, Staff Squared, Starcoders, Statement, SteepRock, Stripe, Student Loan Hero, Sucuri, Inc, SugarCRM, Sulvo, Surevine, Superble, SurveyMonkey, Swappa, Sysdig Cloud, Taiga.io, TailorDev, Task Analytics, Taxjar, TeachBoost, Team App, Teamed.io, Teamily, TeamSnap, TechnologyAdvice, TED, Teleport, Tenable, TEONITE, Tesera, Tessitura Network, TestDome, Testlio, The Cheat Sheet, The Sensible Code C'y, The Wirecutter, Thinkbox.io, Third Iron, ThirdPath Institute, tidelift, Time Doctor, Timely, TNTP, Toggl, TopDevz, Toptal, Tortuga Backpacks, Tractionboard, Traity, Transloadit, TraveDoc, Treehouse, Trello, Triposo, Twilio, Twin Technologies, Tyk, Uberspace, Unbounce, UniversalMind, Upwork, UpWorthy, Urbansitter, Urgently, Userbin, UserTesting, Ustream, Vaamo, Valutac, Velaro, Inc., Venafi, Inc, Vervoe, Vidian, Vinted, Virtual Law Partners, Waldo Photos, Water Lily Pond, Watsi, Waybetter, Waygo, WeaveUp, Webikon, WebPunch, WebRTC Ventures, WebSharks, Inc., When I Work, Whitebox, Whitesmith, Whitespectre, Wikimedia, Wildbit, WizeHire, Wordfence, X-Team, Xapo, Yammer, Yoko Co, YouNeedABudget, YourSports, Zapier, Zemanta, ZenCash, Zest, ZeroTurnAround. Source: Remotive.io Zapier 2018 Design In Tech Report | Inequality & Skills Gap 76 / 90 http://jmmbp001.local:5757/?ckcachecontrol=1520689902#16 76/90