3/10/2018 2018 Design In Tech Report This presentation has been compiled for informational purposes only and should Disclosure not be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell securities in any entity. The presentation relies on data and insights from a wide range of sources, including public and private companies, market research firms, and industry professionals. We cite specific sources where data are public; the presentation is also informed by non-public information and insights. This is the third publication of the Design In Tech report. We will post any updates revisions or clarifications at https://designintechreport.wordpress.com Please report any errors to @johnmaeda on Twitter. Thank you! John Maeda has minor equity positions as an investor in certain companies referenced in the presentation maedastudio.com/startups. 90 / 90 http://jmmbp001.local:5757/?ckcachecontrol=1520689902#16 90/90