3/10/2018 2018 Design In Tech Report Be sure to include others unlike yourself, and bring your friends Michael Bierut @michaelbierut Very proud to have been invited by @johnmaeda to join a group of great designers for this project fastcodesign.com/90154530/tech-… 11:24 AM - Dec 15, 2017 Tech Has A Diversity Problem–So This Designer Went To Kent… David Gibson, the superintendent of the Paintsville school district, had this idea that John Maeda, the head of Automattic’s design and inclusion progra… the company I'm at, Automattic, which is all remote, that people could be in fastcodesign.com Paintsville and get a full-time job without leaving the area. A lightbulb went off, that David's kids could do that, and live where their families have lived for generations, 310 50 people are talking about this and still have an income and benefits. —Fast Company Source: @michaelbierut @fastcompany 2018 Design In Tech Report | Inclusive Design 86 / 90 http://jmmbp001.local:5757/?ckcachecontrol=1520689902#16 86/90