Review: Pioneers of TODAY Codepen [2014] Computational Design The Origins of ALEX VAZQUEZ, TIM SABAT, AND CHRIS COYIER Computational Design DrawBot (DesignRobots) [2003] GILLIAN CRAMPTON-SMITH RED BURNS Royal College of Art NYU Tisch School The 2016 Design in Tech Computer-Related Design Interactive JUST VAN ROSSUM, ERIK VAN BLOKLAND, AND FREDERIK BERLAEN Report highlighted four key and Ivrea Institute Telecommunication pioneers of computational Program design — all leaders who Processing [2001] brought Classical Design into the domain of Computer Science with a uniquely JOY MOUNTFORD MURIEL COOPER BEN FRY, CASEY REAS, AND DANIEL SHIFFMAN humanistic approach (in Apple Human MIT Media Lab Interface Group, Visible Language contrast to a purely technical Interval, Yahoo!, Workshop Design By Numbers [1999] 1999 approach, which was Akamai dominant at the time). JOHN MAEDA @REAS @codepen @RCA @medialab @apple @ITP_NYU Section 1: Computational Design 9